Let’s Catch Up!

English: typical structure of an α-amino acid

English: typical structure of an α-amino acid (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So far this month of January has been very eventful.  I started taking Mito-Q for MS and I must admit I have mixed feelings.  The internet is full of testimonials about the positive effects of this amino acid supplement from New Zealand. I had a large amount of energy after the first couple days, but then I started to get sore joints.  Maybe the fact that I started the elliptical exercise regimen again plays a role here so I’ll give this supplement the full six weeks before making a decision. In the meantime, I’m helping my daughter with her ebay store and I must say it looks very cute.  Furthermore, I managed to make a few earrings for her store.  They have gotten good reviews but I have a long way to go before I feel competent enough to tag my own jewelry.  I have managed to finish the book “The Stress of Life” by Hans Selye.  One of his quotes has become one of my own:

“Fight for your highest attainable aim, but never put up resistance in vain.

I learned much about stress reactions in our bodies and how each one of us can accept and allow it without causing harm.  Yes, we’ve all been told to avoid stress.  Hogwash!  I’ve had MS for 35 years, you can not avoid stress; ever. This book is a fast read, aimed at laymen and so it is easy to understand.  I recommend it

Since the new year is here, I will be (once again) heading down to Oregon for hemorrhoid treatments at the Oregon Hemorrhoid Clinic.  I guess my body needs more treatments and so I make the journey.  Also, the new year means dentist trips for check-ups.  My check-up this time showed no cavities!  I believe that the product “Evora Plus” found on Amazon, helped with my healthy teeth.  Check it out.

I’m still sending out postcards for my book, “The Secret’s of Tut; A Bird’s Story” and I hope to make some sales so send out some good vibes for book sales or purchase my book, if you choose.  All is appreciated.

As always, I wish you the best.


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